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Sunday, 9 December 2012

Tie your fate to your faith.

"Whoever believes in the son is not judged; but whoever does not believe has already been judged, because he has not believed in God's son"-- John 3:18.

"...Except you repent from your sin, you shall all like wise perish" Luke13:3-6
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom.10:13)

  Our fate as Christians have already been predestined through our Lord Jesus Christ. All that is left is for us to understand and believe. This is not a religious or denomination issue, this is the ultimate truth of who we are. Understanding that God's words and promises are true and is ever faithful is the key to getting to the fate that is meant for us. First, God does not cause what he is against. All that we see in our lives are the products of the choices we have made through the course of our life: the words we speak of ourselves and others, the thought that we keep, the actions that we follow. Remember, from the beginning God gave us freedom to choose our path though not without letting us know the difference between the two paths. And each path He also made sure we understood the consequences of following each path. So we do not have to blame God for what we have brought on ourselves.

Faith = Fate.
Yet, as a merciful God He is, He has also made it possible for us to come back at any point in time. This is where our faith becomes the navigator of our fate. How do we as sinful as we are be able to take advantage of this singular opportunity. Simple. Trust and believe. We must have a firm faith in the Lord Jesus for us to explore all that have been set out for us from the word go. What can we believe to earn the life deserving of a Christian. Jesus in his own words said it, "You must be born again" (John3:7).  Believing in Jesus Christ and being born again must be synchronised both in words and indeed. Once these are sorted, then you begin to reap the deserving grace available to those who are children of the living God. That is not to say that God is not merciful to all. No!  God is merciful to all that He made but there is a special promise for those who accept His Son as their personal saviour.  "To them that believe, I have given the power to become the children of God". The power to command the highest mountain to move and it moves, the power to live above the forces of the world. This is true.

If this is so why then do we still see Christians go through suffering?
That is the point.  Understanding your faith is the first step to claiming your fate. Suffering that we see is of the world and not of God. It is only a process that we go through to be fortified in the Lord. Remember the story of Job.  He was a faithful man but the devil challenged his faith in God in the worldly eye he lost everything but his faithfulness in God replenished his life at the end.  God will never let His faithful people to perish. Jesus Christ also suffered the worldly pain but God again raised him from the dead. The point is not that you will never go through any challenges, rather it is during these times of challenge that your faith in God's promises are prove and so your fate is plotted on the right graph.  It surprises me to see 'men of God' preaching only prosperity and wealth. Acquiring wealth , money and material things are by no means a prove of God's love or your faith in God. God's gift comes with lasting joy and happiness, satisfaction and self fulfilment. His grace is enough to take us through whatever the world throws at us.  He said, to follow me, you must carry your own cross. Why then is it that in the face of tribulation we begin to doubt the promises of God? The devil in so many ways is still working so hard to undermine the grace but the faithful ones will always come out victorious as our Master Jesus Christ.

What then is our Fate in this World.
Our fate is that whatever happens victory is ours because we believe in the name above every other name. And wherever and whenever this name Jesus Christ is mentioned every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Our fate as believers is that we are children of the almighty and that even if the mountain falls into the deepest ocean, even if the ocean roars, even if the earth quakes and divides into pieces we must come out victorious. This is God's promise to those who believe and trust in Him.

Dear Lord,
You are my God, my strong hold. I call on you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I believe your word, and I put all my trust in you oh sacred heart. In your word, you said whoever shall call upon the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved. Today, I call on this name in words and indeed and I believe I will be saved.
In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I unlock all that you have planned for my life.
Take me as I am and use me carry out your purpose of creating man. May your promises  be made manifest in my life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

There is power in prayer, pray every now and then.

There is a continuous battle over your soul. Each passing minute comes with it as much temptations as possible. The devil is always out to confuse, deceive, and to destroy. Some would say why pray when God knows everything? Yes God knows everything but he gave us the only weapon that we need to navigate our way through the day. This weapon is to call on him, praise him and to give ourselves completely to his control.
There is more to prayer than mere asking and asking for favour and blessing. Prayer keeps us close to God but in mind and in spirit. Prayer is an antidepressant, it is an energetic supplement, a directional navigator. It helps you keep sane in the midst of it all.
Now remember, when Christ came he thought his disciples to pray always because the fight is beyond what we see. It is of the spirit. It is only through prayer can we communicate spiritually to God. The word say with the comprehensive faith in the Lord Jesus, we can move mountain. How do you build your faith then? To build your faith you have to experience God in prayer, in songs of praise, by reading of his wondrous works. Faith and prayer go hand in a glove. With prayers and total dedication to God, we can do all things through him who is above every other name.

Oh Lord, fill my mouth with praise and thanks giving to you. Help to always remember you at all times. Put your words in my mouth that I may be an instrument of your love. Strengthen me in the path of righteousness and do not depart from me. Forgive my short comings and grant me the grace to believe even when it seems unbelievable. Through Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A prayer for understanding.

Psalm 119: 33 - 48.

Teach me, Lord, the meaning of your laws, and I will obey them at all times. Explain your law to me and I will obey it; I will keep it with all my heart. Keep me obedient to your commandments, because in them I find happiness.

 Give me the desire to obey your laws rather than to get rich. Keep me from paying attention to what is worthless; be good to me, as you have promised. Keep your promise to me, your servant - the promise you make to those who obey you.

 Save me from the insults I fear; how wonderful are your judgements! I want to obey your commands; give me new life, for you are righteous.

Show me how much you love me, Lord, and save me according to your promise. Then I can answer those who insult me because my hope is in your judgements.

I will always obey your law, for ever and ever. I will live in perfect freedom, because I try to obey your teachings.I will announce your commands to kings and I will not be ashamed.

I find pleasure in obeying your commands, because I love them.

I respect and love your commandments; I will meditate on your instructions.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Let your will dignify you.

Focus: Sirach33:19 - 23.
From creation, God himself gave man the power of independence. Independence which lies though within the choice of good or bad. He also put in us the power to decide for ourselves which way to follow. It is this ability to decide and the decision we make that is our will.

Your will is you and you are your will. It is your power to belong where you belong. As Christians; followers of Christ as we claim, our will then is of course guided by the will of God. In other words for us to have the power to be the children of God, our will must work together in line with the will of God. Which is the will to be of Love, truth, and fear of God. The will to do good.

We have made the choice of our own accord to become  followers of Christ, therefore just like any other choices that we make in the world , there are  responsibilities.  You are responsible for all that you choose to do with your life and will power. Never let anyone or thing deceive you or lure you to give up your will, your power.

As soon as you willed to be of Gods purpose, you become already dignified. But be on the alert. Know it today that the enemy is always eager to take away your dignity. He will present himself as a helper and he will demand that you give up your will  which is your dignity. Never ever allow any one take this away from you . Not your father, not your mother, not your husband ,not your wife. Not even your child should control your decision to belong to Christ who is the centre of your will and is your dignity.

They will ask you ,how do you know what you are doing is according to the will of God? And you will say to them; "Gods will is clearly and precisely stated in his word. He says, I have come to save those who believe and trust in me..  He has commanded us to love one another, put all our trust in Him, and to worship only the Lord our God".
 When you say this, they will know that you are led by the Spirit and you are dignified by your will to be a true represantative of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Oh! God, may I never depart from your presence. Let me always, always use my talent and life to give glory to your name. Guide me each day as I am faced with decisions to make. May all my decisions reflect who truly I claim to be before you. Help all Christians when faced with difficult situations to hold on to their faith for the glory of your name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!.

Picture credit to: Ambro

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Just the little things.

Solutions in a little box
One major mistake we often make in life is to set our eyes on the 'trees' of life and neglect the 'buds'. We are often interested in the big things: the big opportunities,big ideas,lofty dreams and aspirations,big jobs,big businesses,big contacts etc. In our quest for the big things of life, we often fail to pay attention to the very little things that can make a huge difference. In our desire to focus on big strategies, we often fail to take the little steps.

Today,God says, Don't neglect the little things in your life. Use every little opportunity that God brings your way. Work hard on that small job you have,it just might be the foundation for a big one. Don't forget to make 'little' prayers while in traffic,it avails much.

 Don't forget that little smile,it could win you a big contract. Use those little skills,they could turn out to be major sources of income for you. Keep taking the little steps that can improve your family,career,business etc.

Remember,all that God needed was a Bud from the Stump of Jesse in order to transform the entire world. The Little things in your life today maybe all that God needs to distinguish you.

Pray with me,"Lord,use my little to take me higher".

Picture credit to freedigitalphotos.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Today Good shepherd Sunday;stay within the flock.

Again today God  calls out to YOU. Dear friends, do not forget where you are going.

 Are you still doing your part within the family? Are you walking with the rest of the flock? Are you listening to the voice of the Shepherd? Do you look up to the holy spirit to lead your steps? Are you walking on the way you should? These are questions we should always ask ourselves in the privacy of our various hearts as Christians.

 Christians, you are urged to serve the Lord with your life. Parents lead your children in prayers, in reverence to the faith that we have in him. Let the young generation have the opportunity to discover God, let them experience a relationship with Him. Tell your children there is God. Please Dear friends, pray that our children do not be deceived to believe otherwise.

 Be the ambassador for Christ in your place of work, on the road, in the bus, on your wheels. Let the goodness of God shine through your vibrancy, smiles and kindness.Be a witness to who you are, be proud of your faith in Christ. Talk about Jesus, his death and resurrection. We are members of the true faith and witnesses to the existence of God through Christ Jesus.

We have the assurance that we are followers of the light - Jesus Christ. Therefore, darkness have no power whatsoever where we are. Christ laid down his life on the cross that we may have life. So stay with Him, keep the faith as firm as possible. Yes you may be having a tough time, but do not be afraid. God loves you and is eager and ready to lend us a hand, to forgive us, and to give us all that we need. Fight the fight to the finish and eternal life will be yours in Jesus name . Amen!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Stand against the disbelieve to succeed.

There is always going to be self doubt and disbelieve. But it is the willingness to succeed that will get each of us as far as he would.  Seeing Obama move the whole of United states, achieving what was before unattainable makes me to even hold firm to this believe.

Today however, I have found even more biblical evidence to strengthen this believe in me, and I love to share them with you. Below are some of the points I found in the bible to get you inspired at times of disbelieve.

1. Get behind me Satan. (Mathew 4: 1-11):

We all know the story of the temptation of Jesus Christ . How the Devil tried to defile his purity. But Jesus with courage ordered him to get behind.
There are several ways that the devil keeps tempting us today, trying to take away all that God has kept for us.  When the urge to lazy about and not take responsibility comes, that is the time to say get behind me Satan. When your friends try to lure you to easy, cheap, immoral, illegal ways to get quick money or wealth, that is when you should say get behind me Satan. When you feel after all others are doing it and are making it through immoral ways, that is when to say get behind me Satan.
Do your best, use your talents for good purposes, and you will and must succeed. It may take a bit longer, but never allow the Devil to tell you otherwise.

2. I can move forward. (Exodus14: 13 - 15):

As the Israelites were marching out of Egypt, they saw the Egyptian Army coming after them. They became terrified and began to cry out to God for help, complaining against Moses for bringing them out here to die. Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out for help? Tell the people to move forward."

Dear friends, you too can move forwards despite whatever obstacle you may be seeing. You can get tougher with the strength of your believe and work. The Lord has the power to make even your mistake right. Just believe and do your part. Move forward my fellow believer and you will see what the Lord will do to save you today.

3. I am  strong enough to conquer. (Numbers 13:25-33, 14:1-10):

You remember the story of the 12 spies who went to explore the land which the Lord gave to the Israelites. 10 of these spies came back with false reports that brought fear and moaning amongst the people. They said Oh these people are giants, they will take away our wives and all that belongs to us. But Joshua and Caleb were filled with courage, they said to the people, "we should attack now and take the land; we are strong enough to conquer". This re-echoes the words of Martin Luther  on freedom, that it is never given to the oppressed by the oppressor, rather should be demanded and taken.

Dear friends, never be afraid to follow your own mind. Do what you believe you should do and not what everyone else is doing. Fear is not of God and yields nothing but failure. Go for what belongs to the children of God. It is your right to be the head and not the tail. So be bold and go for what belongs to you. The time is now!

4. I will fight the fight. (1Samuel 17: 1- 58)

Goliath challenged the Army camp of King Saul, and all the soldiers were afraid to withstand him. They said to themselves, he is a giant and has been a warrior.  King Saul himself was frightened. But David was filled with courage, he asked that he be allowed to fight him.
Saul sent for him, and David said, "No one should be afraid of these Philistine; I will go and fight him." And the rest of the story is now a very popular one I guess.

Now tell me, why you should be scared of racism, discrimination,  class, etc. Do not be afraid of anyone. Go into any office, ask to see the personnel manager, introduce your self and hand in your CV. Then leave the rest to God.

Now is the time to stand against the disbelieve. Go now and conquer those obstacles today!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Celebrate the feast of divine mercy with St. Faustina.

Today is the feast of Divine mercy  and I am excited and passionate with this day. When you talk about Divine mercy, you must talk about Saint Faustina and guess what I happened to be Faustina. So today my feast day, I like to share with you the importance of this feast to our faith as Christians.

Years ago on the 28th of January(again my birthday) 1938, the lord appeared to a young Polish girl, just 16, He requested that she told the world of his divine mercy. Also that people should trust in him. He then asked that Saint Faustina drew an image as a symbol of his devine mercy. She wasnt an artist, but she trusted in the Lord. Hence the picture above.

God is still calling on us in various ways, in our everyday lives. In this week of devotion to the divine Mercy,  we are reminded to approach the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist, to embrace his unconditional mercy and love towards us.

This is a time to reflect on the life that we lead. Ask God for forgiveness and willingly repent from the things that we have done wrong. Also for the sake of his mercy, would you forgive those who have also wronged you.

Feast of the divine mercy is an opportunity for us to embrace God's free gift of Mercy compassion and his willingness to accept us back to the fold. So dear friends, this is another chance for us to bring our life and  relationship with God to a balance. You may never have another opportunity. Now is the time to access mercy and love and it is free.


Jesus I trust in you .
Jesus I trust in you
Jesus I trust in you.

Sacred heart of Jesus
I put all my trust in thee.x3

These prayers are miraculous trust me. say them everyday of your life, at the point of need and taste the infinite unconditional mercy that is readily available to you.
For more divine mercy prayers, click here.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Embrace Light from the risen Lord: Not what we see or have but what we believe!

picture credit to: Renjith Krishnan
Faith and trust have the unbeatable power to keep even a dead lion moving. Imagine the risen Lord in the grave where darkness reigns. If He was not already filled with the light generated by His faith and unshakable trust in the Father, He would have been consumed by the forces of darkness.

In our lives, there's always going to be challenges stronger than we can ever imagine. But the strength of faith and trust that we have in the Lord is enough to keep our light glowing and our path clear

Even in the midst of it all, He has promised that he will NEVER let us down. That is what we believe. And indeed He never left his Son at the mercy of the forces of darkness, how much more we who are mortal and weak. He is ever at our side fighting for us.

When the inevitable - death, strikes, it is the amount of light that we have stored in us that will shine through speaking on our behalf. It is not at this moment that we will start scrambling for the light. Rather, it is NOW that we are alive and have the opportunity to make the difference.

Surely, friends will desert you, your family will abandon you, all that you have may be lost, temptations must come, you may even fall at times, the fight may get even more brutal. Whatever happens, the truth remains; never lose the faith you have in the Lord. Stay optimistic, do just your part and he will never let you down.

Hear yourself say it aloud today . I am not going to be dampened, I must win!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The basic steps to achieving success.

Dream and dream big: Most successful people that I know started from dreaming. These dreams may come in a flash as ideas, others may come while gisting or even while in an event. The most important thing is to identify them as viable and let them flourish in your mind.

Bring your dreams into vision: As soon as these dreams/ideas have been identified to be viable, sit down and think about them. See them with the eye of the end. Now come out of the dream and be real in your analysis. Make it clear and draw up a road map to follow. The direction of this map is it where you want to go?  As soon as these questions are cleared in your mind and you are confident within, then go for it.

Take action: You have carried out the theory what remains is the practical. The real work begins. Start your research, ask questions be the fool. Do what you have to do and remember to move on, some people and or life style may have to be dropped. Start out on what is available.

Withstand your critics: Be ready to withstand your critics because they must come. See them as the pushers. As soon as you have moved from your comfort zone, know there’s no more going back. Learn from what they have to say and get better. Never let anyone take away your drive.

Stay focused: Create a mental picture of this beautiful future ahead and keep it there always in front of you. Imagine yourself get to the finish line and listen to the sweet sound of the cheering fans both sides of the track. Visualise yourself in front of millions receiving award in recognition of your hard work. Let this be your guide and motivation.

Be ready to take risks: Any venture without the risk is not worth trying. That is what makes it extraordinary. Fear is the only thing that brings us down. Be brave and courageous. You are not the first person who has tried things that did not work and will never be the last. Not trying is even riskier than trying. Life itself is  a risk so why not take the risk for a purpose.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Your destiny is in your hands

Picture curtesy of Valdo.
"God has  provided you with all that you need to excel in what you do. It is only you that can hold yourself back."

Talent and character must work together: Just like I said earlier, he has given us allthe  talents that we need to work with to achieve  what ever we intend to achieve. Calling on God every minute of the day asking for every little thing can only be compared with attitudes that children can exhibit. For a child, the mum must cook the food, bring it out to the table , sit him down, scoop the food from the plate to his mouth and also chew it for him. How amazing is that! Yes don’t shout that is how much we have abused our relationship with God.

In the parable of the three talents, the master gave out 3 different talents to different individuals, and sent them out to increase and multiply their talent. To one he gave 5talents, to the other he gave 2 and to the next he gave 1. Those he gave 5 and 3 talents went out and brought back double the fold. While the one with only one talent refused to even make use of the one talent that he had . So he went and planted in the ground for the master to take back his thing. When the master came back he congratulated the hardworking two and gave them more talents. While the lazy one he sent away empty handed. (Mathew25:14-30).  God can only give you more responsibilities if he sees that you are up and doing taking care of what he already gave you. Think of it, would you continue to train a child who never passes his exams?  If you do that, you would waste the whole resources that belong to the rest of the family on him.

Faith alone is not enough: So many Christians believe that if they go church every blessed day that it is their evidence of serving God. Not every one who calls father, father knows him. God’s word lets us know that faith without work is dead. And it is said that to work is to pray. How you carry out whatever assignment you are given is what makes the difference. We everyday continuously call God a liar by asking him for what he has already given us. He gave man dominion over the earth and what is in it He has already given us all that we need. It is only for us to open our eyes and look around us, take action with what we have, in order to get what we desire.

Be accountable for all that you do: When God gives us a job, just like any other master. He is waiting eagerly for us to come back with detailed reports on what we’ve been up to with all the resources. When you are coming back to God in prayer why not make it a time of accountability and thanks giving instead of a time of asking for more. He knows what you need and when to give it. Carry on with your own duty and just give him feed back and wait for his reply and response.
When you realise that you are accountable to someone higher than you are, then you will have to check that what you do is in line with his purpose.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Mother's day: A time to reflect on motherhood.

Mother's day is a day that has been set aside to remember and celebrate the many contributions of women(mothers) in the structuring and nurturing of our society and family.

Women are co- creators with God and deserve to be honoured. Every woman is a mother whether or not they have children. By nature, women nurture others and often do not receive the same care and love that they have to give day in day out.

In the church, this day has become for us a day to pay tribute to Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary. For her motherly love and care towards the entire Christian family. She the mother of Christ who is our saviour, making her the symbol of our salvation and faith.

Different places have different days that they have chosen to celebrate motherhood. In the UK for instance, it's every 4th Sunday in lent. On this day Men are specifically expected to show love, respect and care to the women in their lives. 
Pearl and rose perfect for you mum!

Picture credits to: Stuart Miles and Victor Habbick.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Daily Bible Verses: Romans8:28-30.

In all things God works for our good!
We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose. Those whom God had already chosen he also set apart to become like his Son, so that the Son would be the first among many brothers. And so those whom God set apart, he called; and those he called, he put right with himself, and he shared his glory with them.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Daily Bible Verse: Romans8:26-27

The spirit always pleads for us!
In the same way the spirit also comes to help us, weak as we are. For we do not know how we ought to pray; the spirit himself pleads with God for us in groans that words cannot express. And God, who sees into our hearts, knows what the thought of the spirit is; because the spirit pleads with God on behalf of his people and in accordance with his will.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Daily Bible Verses:Romans8:22-23.

We all are yearning for freedom from sin!

For we know that up to the present time all of creation groans with pain, like the pain of childbirth. But it is not just creation alone which groans; we who have the spirit as the first of God's gifts also groan within ourselves, as we wait for God to make us his sons and set our whole being free.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Daily Bible Verses: Romans8:1-21

Glory awaits  those who believe!

I consider that what we suffer at this present time cannot be compared at all with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. All creation waits with eager longing for God to reveal his son. For creation was condemned to lose its purpose, not of its own will, but because God willed it to be so. Yet there was the hope that creation itself would one day be set free from its slavery to decay and would share the glorious freedom of the children of God.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Daily Bible Verses: Mathew18:18-20.

And so I tell all of you: "Whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you prayfor, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them."

Monday, 27 February 2012

Daily Bible Verses:Mathew 17:22-23.

When the disciples all came together in Galilee, Jesus said to them, "The Son of man is about to be handed over to men who will kill him; but three days later he will be raised to life." The disciples became very sad.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Insight on the significance of the number 40 to Christianity.

Noah and the great flood:Genesis7:4, 12:  Seven days from now I am going to send rain that will fall for forty days and nights, in order to destroy all the living beings that I have made".* And rain fell on the earth for forty days and nights.

God was not pleased with the wickedness that took over the earth. He regretted that he had created man. He vowed to destroy all that He had made. But He was pleased with Noah, and so He asked him to build a boat for himself and his family and any animal he deemed fit each male and female. He promised to spare any one who is in the boat.
He gave Noah particular specifications to follow in building the boat. Noah did as the Lord commanded him.(Gen 7:14 - 16).

Moses on Mount Sinai: Exodus 24:18:  Moses went up the mountain into the cloud. There he stayed for forty days and nights.

After he had given them the 10 commandments, He needed to seal the covenant that He had made with them. And so God called Moses to come to him for the stone tablets where the instructions were written. And Moses went up as the Lord has commanded him.

The Journey of the Israelites in the wilderness: Numbers 14:33-34:  "Your children will wander for forty years, suffering for your unfaithfulness, until the last one of you dies. You will suffer the consequences of your sins for forty years, one year for each of the forty days you spent exploring the land. You will know what it means to have me against you."

Moses had sent out 12 men to explore the promised land to find out their strength. So they could plan on how to invade it. But 10 men out of the 12 brought false report which made the people of Israel to grumble and complain against God. And the Lord was angry with them, He struck the men with diseases and they all died except Caleb and Joshua. The Lord also sworn that the people of Israel will wander in the wilderness for this.

Elijah on Mount Sinai: 1Kings 19:8 :Elijah got up, ate and drank, and the food gave him enough strength to walk forty days to mount Sinai.

After Elijah had won the challenge against the prophets of Baal and had them seized and killed. Jezebel the wife of King Ahab, threatened to kill Elijah. So he fled the country seeking for God's help.

Jonah's Prophecy against Nineveh: Jonah3:4 ; Jonah started through the city and after walking a whole day, he proclaimed. "In forty days Nineveh will be destroyed."

After the fish later spew Jonah on the shore, he then decided to head to Nineveh as the Lord had told him to , to speak out against them for their wickedness. As he did, the people repented and took on a sackcloth a symbol of shame and penance. And the Lord changed his mind. He did not destroy them anymore.

The suffering and temptation of Jesus Christ. Mathew4:1-3, Mark1:12-13, Luke 4: 1-2. Then the spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After spending forty days and nights without food,Jesus was hungry. Then the devil came to him and said, "If you are God's Son, order these stones to turn into bread.

Daily Bible Verses:Mathew18:6-7.

If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied round his neck and be drowned in the deep sea. How terrible for the world that there are things that make people lose their faith! Such things will always happen - but how terrible for the ones who causes them.!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Daily Bible Verses:1John 3:19 - 22.

This, then , is how we will know that we belong to the truth; this is how we will be confident in God's presence. If our conscience condenms, we know that God is greater than our conscience and that he knows everything. And so, my dear friends, if our conscience does not condenm us, we have courage in God's presence. We recieve from him whatever we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Tell me all about Jesus.

Tell me all about Jesus.
The man of Galilee
Tell me of the water
Turning to wine.
Tell me all about Jesus
The man filled with courage
Tell me of the walking
On the sea.

Tell me all about Jesus
The man of bethsaida
Tell me of the loaves
feeding five thousand.

Tell me all about Jesus
The man of calvary
Tell me of the cross
And ressurrection.


Tell me all about his love.
Tell me of his  ressurrection
Tell me of his  transfiguration
Tell me all about Jesus.//

Subject to copyright.

Daily Bible Verses:Mathew 4:1-3

The temptation:
Then the spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the Devil.After spending 40 days and nights without food, Jesus hunry. Then the Devil came to him and said, "If you are God's Son, order these stones to turn into bread."

LENT: A time of fasting and praying.

Today ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a journey of faith for Christians. A 40days journey signifying the days that Christ fasted and prayed in the wilderness. It is traditionally a time for Catholics in particular to pray, fast and reflect on their faith  and death of Jesus Christ. A time for them also to live just as He did; in suffering and patience.During this time healthy adults are expected to abstain from meat and fish especially on Fridays.

These believes are drawn based on the reports on the 4 synoptic gospels(Mathew, Mark, Luke and John). According to these gospels, Christ spent 40 days in the wilderness praying and fasting , during which time he endured also all the temptations of the devil. Establishing His supremacy over Satan and his ways. Subsequently He was falsely accused, abused, maltreated and eventually crucified on the cross. However God raised Him on the 3rd day believed to be Easter Sunday.

From the time when Christ was crucified and buried, the Apostles fasted , prayed and mourned his death in total solitude. Since then therefore, Christians all over the world use this time to do the same in remembrance for all that Christ went through. The Church refrains from festivities. in the Catholic Church, there are significant changes in the celebration of mass to show their solitude.: The Gloria and alleluia are no longer sung , while the gospel acclamation is introduced . Images are all covered with purple linens signifying the period when Christ disappeared from the people(John8:46-59), only to be removed on holy Saturday during the Easter vigil when all the other elements of celebration are re commenced believing that Christ is risen.

Ash Wednesday :The significance.

The first day of lent in the Christian/Catholic calendar. The name derived from the marking of ash on the foreheads of faithful followers in significance to the mortality of our being and to shown humility and reverence to God. It also signifies our impurity and sinfulness.  The ash being obtained from burning the palm leaves used during palm Sunday to glorify Christ's supremacy. In solidarity to his suffering, as today is the beginning of his 40days in the wilderness, Christians go to get this mark on their foreheads sharing in his suffering, shame, humiliation in hope to also share in his glory at the end :Easter.
From today onwards, Christians recourse to praying, fasting , penance and alms giving doing whatever necessary and possible to  identify themselves with their head ; Christ. Catholics in particular at this time are obliged to stay in the state of grace by going to confessions to receive forgiveness of their sins . For it is necessary that one is repentant of his sins before joining in the observation of fasting and praying. Going for confessions therefore a physical sign of repentance and subsequent forgiveness makes the individuals penance wholly acceptable and pure before God.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The Secret.

Have you heard of the secret yet?  Not what you are thinking, this is the ultimate secret to your survival, to your being, to your salvation, to your redemption. Yes, your fast track to the eternal kingdom, the promised land on earth.

Do you really want to know , then listen very carefully, because, like I said it's a secret and has to be said in a whisper so that it is those who it is intended for that get to hear it for their benefit.

The first secret is, that Jesus is Lord. You have heard this over and over again. But my dear today God wants to speak to you specially and personally, and privately. He wants to have a unique moment with you. He is asking that you listen and reflect on his being. He is worried that you have been blind folded from his greatness by things around you: financial stress, relationship stress, the Internet and a whole lot of distractions. He is saying, my child, can you spare this moment just to start this relationship with me? He wants to open up to you the most important things for you. He wants to introduce himself to you. Are you ready?

He is saying; I am the Lord,the God of all times,the almighty, the king of kings, the I am that Iam, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the Omega. He is saying to you today, come to me all you that labour and I will give you rest. My promises I must keep for I am the Lord, the creator of heaven and earth says the Lord. Trust me, God will never forsake those who call upon him in truth and in faith.Put all your trust in him and see for yourself what he is made of.

The second secret is; as the members of the family of believers,we are special people, unique breed. We are wonderfully and fearfully made. We are those whose freedom He won. It is only when you assume this position that it begins to manifest in your life. God is always there for us, calling us to himself. But we are too busy to heed his calling. Hold on to the Lord and you will have everything in abundant. The devil will do everything and anything to undermine this but God is God to those whom he has chosen, his true ones. The moment you count yourself into this fold and follow his ways your life will never be the same again.
Taste and see that the Lord is good. This is the ultimate secret and the basic truth of our being as Christians. Keep this always to mind and may his mercy always find us and never depart from us.

1Timothy 5:3-10.

Show respect for widows who really are all alone. But if a widow has children or grandchildren, they should learn first to carry out their religious duties towards their own family and in this way repay their parents and grandparents, because that is what pleases God . A widow who is all alone, with no one to take care of her, has placed her hope in God and continues to pray and ask him for his help night and day. But a widow who gives herself to pleasures has already died, even though she lives. Give them these instructions, so that no one will find fault with them. But if anyone does not take care of his relatives, especially the members of his own family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Monday, 20 February 2012

1Timothy 5:1-2.

Do not rebuke an older man, but appeal to him as if he were your own father. Treat the younger men as your brothers, the older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with all purity.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Daily Bible Verses:1Timothy 4:7 -10

But keep away from those godless legends, which are not worth telling. Keep yourself in training for a godly life. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is valuable in every way, because it promises life both for the present and for the future. This is true saying, to be completely accepted and believed. We struggle and work hard, because we have placed our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all and especially of those who believe.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Daily Bible Verses:2Timothy 3:16-17.

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instructions for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equiped to do every kind of good deed.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Daily Bible Verses:1John 4:7-12.

God is Love:
Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. And God showed his love for us by sending his only son into the world, so that we might have life through him. This is what love is: it is not that we have loved God but that he loved usand sent his son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven.
Dear friends, if this is how God loved us, then we should love one another. No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in union with us, and his love is made perfect in us.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Daily Bible Verses:2John 1:4-6

How happy I was to find that some of your children live in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. And so I ask you, dear lady : let us all love one another. This is no new command I am writing to you; it is the command which we havehad from the begining. This love I speak of means that we must live in obedience to God's command. The command, as you have all heard from the begining, is that you must all live in love.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Thinking of Love: What is Love?

Picture by imagerymajestic.
For so many centuries Man has been in need and in search of love. Despite that everyone crave to be loved, unfortunately so many still live in isolation , hatred and disharmony. We often ask to be loved, but forget to give that love to so many like ourselves that desperately need love.

In my search and understanding of what love is all about and why it is so scarce, I have come to conclude that: Love is not just a feeling or emotion. The love that so many seek is not just the eternal emotional feeling which maybe confused with love.

Love is of priceless value seen through service,sacrifice,appreciation, commitment, etc. It is practical. It requires the reaching out to the one loved, and expects to be reciprocated. Love is peaceful, forgiving,understanding, listening and  self giving. It is not mere words said. It is not just attraction. It goes beyond what we see . It is the root of all virtues. Love is patient and kind, protects and respects.

Love is the bond that links two or more people in such a way that they live in unity and harmony based on mutual trust and intimacy. It is this trust that in turn creates a state of interdependence.

To love a person, you have to focus on the positive side of the individual ignoring or working together with the person to bring out the best in them.

Due to different ways that people can relate, so many scholars have tried to categorise love based on these relationship types. There are 3 main types of love; Agape, Eros, and philos.

Is there true love?

A David Castillo Dominici picture.
A very mature and close friend ones told me that there's nothing like love. That love does not exist , it's only sympathy and benefit that connects people. But in my opinion and understanding, to say that there is no love means that Christ is a liar. For he is the one who is love. Therefore, if Christ is love and he is real and true, then there is existence of true love.

Most of the world's problems today centre on man's refusal to acknowledge the presence of God's unconditional love in our lives. The persistent denial of his promises and deeds for us. The sturbornness of man in staying disobedient to his commands. He says, 'love one another just as I have loved you'. Man has decided to go it on his own, everyone to his own tent, deforming the natural truth and decidedly turning towards the opposite; embracing selfishness and greed, which in turn has given birth to capitalism, materialism and disregard for the scared nature of mankind. These vices has continued to blur man's eyes, mind and heart to the evidence of the goodness that emanates from loving actions.

God's love is the true love existent in the life of those who truly believe in Him. As such, they experience peace and harmony in their lives, they live in the wholesomeness of trust and kindness. They are those who truly love too. Those who find the true meaning of love by decidedly loving even those who do not treat them right just for the sake of the love that God himself has for us undeserving as we are.

Daily Bible Verses:Songs of Songs 3:1-5

There is Love in the house of  the Lord.
Asleep on my bed, night after night I dreamt of the one I love; I was looking for him, but couldn't find him. I went wandering through the city, through its streets and alleys. I looked, but couldn't find him. The watchmen patrolling the city saw me. I asked,  "Have you found my lover?"
As soon as I left them, I found him. I held him and wouldn't let him go until I took him to my mother's house, to the room where I was born.
Promise me, women of Jerusalem; swear by the swift deer and the gazelles that you will not interrupt our love.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Daily bible verses: Mark 1:40-45.

Jesus the compassionate healer.

A leper came to Jesus and pleaded on his knees:'If you want to' he said 'you can cure me.' Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. 'Of course I want to!' he said, 'Be cured! And the leprosy left him at once and he was cured. Jesus immediately sent him away and sternly ordered him, 'Mind you say nothing to anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest, and make the offering for your healing prescribed by Moses as evidence of your recovery.' The man went away, but then started talking about it freely and telling the story everywhere, so that Jesus could no longer go openly into any town, but had to stay outside in places where nobody lived. Even so, people from all around would come to him.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Daily Bible Verses:1Peter 4:12-16.

Rejoice when you suffer for Christ.

My dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful test you are suffering, as though something unusual were happening to you. Rather be glad that you are sharing Christ's sufferings, so that you may be full of joy when his glory is revealed. Happy are you if you are insulted because you are Christ's followers; this means that the glorious Spirit, the Spirit of God, is resting on you.
If any of you suffers, it must not be because he is a murderer or a thief or a criminal or a meddler in other people's affairs. However, if you suffer because you are a Christian, don't be ashamed of it, but thank God that you bear Christ's name.

Hope when all else stand on rope

 For the past twenty minutes that I turned on the television. It has been all doom and gloom. The news are all so horrifying. The forecast for the world economy is bleak. There is panic every where. There is hopelessness in the eyes and mouth of people.  People are depressed, there are killings every where , the people are up against the governments,and the governments are not listening. There is shortage of money , there is inflation and the parents are finding it difficult to put food on the table for their kids. There are cries on the streets.  Countries are rising against one another.  There are news of family members shooting other family members. There are incidents of  suicides being reported . The situation is really hopeless.

The uncertainty of what lies ahead given the news is just so depressing even for me . I began to ask my self, what is all these. Where is God in all these. Why has he allowed all these ? What is next? Any hope for the future ? What about our children? Should it have been better I didn't bother having them. I could go on and on. The more I thought and ask these  questions on   all that was being said , the more I felt helpless and hopeless.  Not having any clear answer I quickly switched the Television off. I continued to  think of what I have heard but yet, non of that made sense to me.

I began to feel anxious , luckily, I had my bible beside me. I randomly opened a page just to take my mind off the news. And it was like God opened the page for me to read . My eyes fell on ..."suddenly a strong wind blew up, and the waves began to spill over into the boat, so that it about to fill with water. Jesus was in the back of the boat sleeping...., you know the story,Mark4:35 - 41. What happened, then the apostles were panicked and so they woke Jesus up. Jesus in his might rebuked the storm and their was peace and calm. The apostles were astonished , and asked who is this man even the storm listen to him.

Yes!. Jesus is Lord and his  name is above every other name. So that at the mention of his name every knee must bow. There is no need to worry if we truly believe that he is Lord. For to them that believe he has given the power to become his children. He said ask seek and knock and you will find.  He said is there anything difficult for him to do? Jesus is true to his word. He is ever ready to save, to make it happen for us at all time. He is the one to call to even when everything else stand on rope. Only call out to him and he will answer.

Psalm 69:1 - 3: Save me, Oh God . The water is up to my neck . I am sinking in deep mud, and there is no solid ground; I am out in deep water and the waves are about to drown me. I am worn out from calling for help, and my throat is aching. I have strained my eyes , looking for help.

The role of the christian woman in the family

 After God created man, and gave him dominion over every living thing, Man was not satisfied . He demanded for a companion.  God granted his request and created woman out of his ribs. Ever since then, it has been the will of God that a man should live with the woman to fulfil his promise to them to increase and multiply. From then on , a woman has played a very major role in the life of man; - the family.

At first, it was out of Eve's lack of self control , that she became a subject of disobedience to God. Therefore, brought curse to man.  Eve was the first woman, she knew very well how much Adam needed her and so she took his love for granted and continued to demand until they both got into a situation that they lost the grace of God But, God in his mercy did not want man to perish  in sin and disobedience. He had to choose a woman again to be a part of the cleansing. Thereby, restoring the importance of the woman in the life of man.

 God knew that man will not survive it without the love, kindness and support of the woman. Thankfully, Mary silently and humbly accepted the call to be a part of salvation.. Even at the most difficult times she remained faithful. She had to bear all the shame of humiliation and the pain of heart break, just to make sure that her son fulfilled the will of God. She played her part very well and has set a standard for  every woman who believes she is a christian As a christian mother therefore, the question is, what part do you play in the life of your family? Are you the Eve or the Mary woman in the family? Do you support the man in times of difficulty or do you constantly remind him how unyielding he is? Are you ready to give up your personal ambition for the sake of the will of God - successful marriage and a happy home? I hope the answers will be in the positive.

Choosing Mary to be the mother of the one who is to save the world, is a singular symbol of how much importance God placed on the woman for achieving success and happiness in marriage. Just like Mary, it is absolutely essential that every woman realises that she has been given the most important job of being the carer and coordinator of the family. That is why , if man fails, usually it is the woman who gets the blame. Do you not know that you are the one to whom God has given the insight to fore see and the power to withstand evil. You are the eye and strength of the home. It is only when the woman realises her role that she would be able to make the necessary impact in the family.

If so, why then is man the head? Unfortunately, questions like this do come up every now and then. But as we continue to struggle over who stays the head , the essence of family values are lost. We forget , that , even in other aspects of life, those who assume the top positions aren't necessarily the ones doing the job. Remember also, that Christ said, anyone wants to be the head must be the servant.

If we are truly the Christians that we claim to be, then the issue of who is the head and who is not the head will never arise. If women would rise up to face the job of taking the family patiently to the will of God, the troubles that we face as today in the world will never be. Let us therefore as women focus on the job that has been divinely bestowed on us , seeing it as an elevation to God's wisdom. for it is only a woman who is the vessel to carry out the ultimate will of God which is to increase and multiply.

10 Inspiring psalms at a glance.

Top 10 inspiring Psalm verses at a glance.

1.He has given me freedom to go where  I wish. Psalm31:8.

2.I felt secure and said to myself "I will never be defeated". Psalm30:6

3.The Lord protects me from all dangers; I will never be afraid. Psalm27:1

4.Those who have reverence for the Lord will learn from him the path they should follow. They will always be prosperous , and their children will possess the land.Psalm25:12-13.

5. Those who are blessed by the Lord will possess the land, but those who are cursed by him will be driven.Psalm37:22.

6. Lord, I know you will never stop being merciful to me. Your love and loyalty will always keep me safe.Psalm40:11

7. God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not be afraid , even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the oceans depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken by the violence.Psalm46:1-3.

8. Whenever I am anxious and worried, you comfort me and make me glad. Psalm94:19.

9.He raises the poor from the dust;he lifts the needy from their misery and makes them companions of princes, the princes of his people.Psalm113:7-8.

10.Light shines in the darkness for good men, for those who are merciful, kind, and just.Psalm112:4

A song lyric : Call him Jesus.

Call Him Jesus.


Call him Jesus.

Call him Saviour.

The Lamb, slained for my sake.x2



Remember him pray at Gethsemane.

He prayed Father let this go me by.

Remember the embarrasing arrest.

Just for my sake, for my sake.


Call him Jesus.

Call him Saviour.

The Lamb, slained for my sake.x2



Remember Jesus before the Council.

Remember them shout crucify him.

Remember Him striped of his cloths.

Just for my sake , for my sake.


Call him Jesus.

Call him Saviour.

The Lamb, slained for my sake.x2



Remember scourging at the pillar.

Remember Him with crown of thorns.

Remember Him nailed on the cross.

Just for my sake, for my sake.


Call Him Jesus.

Call Him Saviour.

The Lamb, slained for my sake.x2

A song lyric by Faustina Anyanwu. All rights reserved

Daily Bible Verses:Sirach 30:1-8.

A father who loves his son will whip him often, so that he can be proud of him later. If a son is disciplined, he will be of some use, and his father can boast of him to his friends. A man who gives good guidance to his son can not only pride in him among his friends, but he can make his enemies jealous .
While the father is alive, the sight of his son makes him happy, and when he dies, he has no regrets. He is not really dead, because his son is like him. He has left someone to take vengeance on his enemies and to return the favours he owes his friends.
But a man who spoils his son will have to bandage his wounds. His heart will stop every time he hears a shout.
An untamed horse is going to be sturborn, and an undisciplined son is no different.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

How successful fathers did it.

Picture by photostock.

Anyone can be a father. But not all fathers are successful in their role of raising confident,responsible and achieving children. To truly succeed as a father, there are some practical approaches that are common with those fathers who have shown tremendous success in raising their children. Successful fathers have all shown understanding in their role as managers, teachers, friends and role models. Also they have shown great determination  and effort in trying to become more effective in their role in the family. In order to grasp all there is, I urge you to read on through the points on the secrets of the successful fathers:

picture by Andy Newson.
Practical role models:
Every successful father that I have known started first with themselves. They formed the attitude of being a father first. They had to attend to their own character building before getting into that of others. They wholly accepted the role of being responsible for their family, taking care of the needs of  his wife and children. They made the decision  to change whatever needs to be changed of themselves, because they understand that for them to be a good role model, they have to be that which they intend to influence on others; their family; their children.The main focus of these fathers is to build a great strength of character. These fathers understand the need to keep themselves on check as role models for their kids. Expecting of themselves that which they expect of their children.

Picture by Ambro.
Good learners:
 A successful father seeks for help and knowledge. He understands that for him to give his best, he has to get the best information that can be. He not only reads about the things he needs to know, but he practically tries to understand his children. He learns them in and out. He gets to understand why they do what they do, therefore he finds a corner to which he can begin to apply his shape up, knowing that it is in understanding that one gets to be understood.

African father by africa.
 Excellent team player/great sense of responsibility:
He acknowledges the role of the mother and compliments her authority in the home. He does not undermine the effort of the wife . He knows when to step in and when to step aside giving his full support to the mother in bringing the family to order. He works closely side by side with the wife in making preferences in choosing strategies for discipline.
A successful father understands the need for him so support the family both physically, spiritually and financially. He knows most especially his financial obligations to provide resources for the up keep of the family. Although there may be circumstances when the father may not be capable of providing for his family but yet he applies himself in such a way that will clearly substitute for material provision.

Father holding his family by photostock.

Sense of security
He is conscious of the safety and security of his family. He does not expose his wife or children to situations that will compromise their sense of security. His family comes first. He makes sure that his family abides by the laws of the relevant authorities by doing so himself and instilling the sense of mutual respect in the home.

Father and daugther by photostock
 He is an all rounder:
A successful father is always a great friend, excellent teacher,patient listener and tough lover. He finds it pleasing to engage himself with his children. He gives the best of himself building them. He knows that to be successful, you have to have children who are successful in that sense. He comes down to their level at every stage.Yet he doesn't let discipline slip away.
He listens carefully and patiently to his children especially his daughters. Giving moral and physical support , counselling and guidance. He shares with his teenagers his experiences . He is a teacher in practise.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The real Dad: the one to wish for.

Focus:proverbs 11:29, Romans13:1-4,Mathew20:25-28,colossians3:21, Ephesians6:4,Hebrew12:7, Romans13:9-10,Proverbs29:17.

* Real dad expresses his authority selflessly for the peace and comfort of  his family. He does not provoke his children, he does all he can to encourage and love his family. The real Dad knows that he is there to care for and protect his family. He understands that his leadership is better shown through service.

*The real Dad knows the importance of teaching his children through example. He is a perfect role model. He does not just instruct, but he does what he expects. he understands that he is the first role model the idol for his Sons. The first boy friend to his daughter. He is gentle and careful in all he does. He is the pride of his wife and daughters. He's sons are quick to let everyone know who he is ; that's my Dad they say.

*The real Dad understands the importance of spending his youth with his family. He realises that nothing can substitute for the time not spent with his family. Yes there's need to work and provide for his family. But he understands that keeping in touch is part of provision; the real love. He knows that time spent with the family is invaluable. It gives the children a sense of belonging and security. They are confident that the are wanted appreciated and cherished. It is very important to bring to a balance the time spent working with that spent with the family. Most of the issues with young people these days is mostly centred on the epidemics of absent Dads. Providing your children with gadgets have proven not to substitute for the love of a real Dad. Material possessions - namely; gadgets; smart phones and game consoles have been reported to be one of the highest causes of child hood depressions and attention problems in children. Children who spend quality time with their parents are most likely  to do well in school and life.  Thus wrote the poet :"Give your child the best,Of your youth.At old age,You will know rest."

* Real Dad is one who is a very attentive listener. He does not just listen. But he listens with compassion. He brings himself to understand the needs of his family. He's priority is always his family. He finds it easy to relate positively with his family. He is ready to answer his children's questions. He listens to his children's heart beats. he understands what they feel and does his best to keep a relationship which is accessible to his family. He does not scare his children and his girls look forward to letting him into their world. He is their best friend.

*Real Dad is a real helper. He is  ever ready to take on the job. He is not fighter or wife beaters. They does not abuse his children. He uses his hands and feet to sort the needs of his family but not on his wife's or children's body. His manhood is not expressed  by intimidating everyone of the family rather he is soft hearted, compassionate and passionate and yet disciplined.


Pundiyaya. Poem by Faustina Anyanwu.


fauntee pictures

These three birds,
came on my window,
All whisper to my ears.

I heard them say,
the favoured one.
Have a nice day.

I think they are angels,
with a message of hope
From my window angles.

Each have green marks,
I think they're beautiful.
Shiny wings, beaks that sparks.
A message of peace and love.
All rights reserved.Fauntee.


Monday, 30 January 2012

What the capable wife is made of.

Focus:Proverbs 31: 10 -31.

How hard it is to find a capable wife! She is worth far more than jewels. her husband puts his confidence in her and he will never be poor.

As long as she lives, she does him good and never harm. She keeps herself busy making wool and linen cloths.

She brings home food from out- of- the places as merchant ships do.

She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her family and to tell her servant girls what to do.
She looks at a land and buys it, and with money she earned, she plants a vine yard.

She is a hard worker, strong and industrious. She knows the value of everything she makes and works late into the night.

She spins her own thread and weaves her own cloths.

She is generous to the poor and needy. She doesn't worry when it snows, because her family has warm clothing.

She makes clothes and belts , and sells them to merchants.

She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future.

She speaks with a gentle wisdom.

She is always busy and looks after her family needs.

Her children show their appreciation, and her husband praises her.

He says, "Many women are good wives, but  you are the best of them all".

Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears , but a woman who honours the Lord should be praised.

Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.
She makes bedspreads and wears clothes of fine purple linen. Her husband is well known, one of the leading citizens.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Fast Track to a Blissful Christian Union.

Pray , pray , pray; seek always the face of the Lord in prayers together . Make always your supplications known to the Lord. Start and end each new day with the grace of God.

Create an atmosphere of trust and love. Be trustworthy by speaking only the truth to one another. Only the truth will set you free.

Approach one another every passing minute with a cheerful heart.Shower you partner with smiles and warmth. Let your face be glowing with cheers and happiness. In that way there's a feeling of belonging in the home.

Remember you are not perfect . Therefore seek to focus on the positive sides of one another while complimenting for the lacking side. Judge not that you may not be judge. Rather with love and sympathy help one another to reach the kingdom of eternity.

Do not hesitate in saying those simple but very important words: thank you, I love you, and am sorry. The are like magic in almost every situation.

Be practical with expressing your love for one another. Be ready to always give a helping hand and not those judging looks. Never let your spouse strain so much in task, and in trying to please you. Rather be pleased always with the minimum effort. Unconditional practical love.
Appreciate your spouse at every giving moment. Kisses, hugs, and fore plays should never be lacking.

Accept the children that the good Lord has given you. They are the most valuable gifts to the union from God.

Care for the well being of one another. Laugh and cry as one.

Most importantly, never deny one another the sweetness of a sexual love.