The first day of lent in the Christian/Catholic calendar. The name derived from the marking of ash on the foreheads of faithful followers in significance to the mortality of our being and to shown humility and reverence to God. It also signifies our impurity and sinfulness. The ash being obtained from burning the palm leaves used during palm Sunday to glorify Christ's supremacy. In solidarity to his suffering, as today is the beginning of his 40days in the wilderness, Christians go to get this mark on their foreheads sharing in his suffering, shame, humiliation in hope to also share in his glory at the end :Easter.
From today onwards, Christians recourse to praying, fasting , penance and alms giving doing whatever necessary and possible to identify themselves with their head ; Christ. Catholics in particular at this time are obliged to stay in the state of grace by going to confessions to receive forgiveness of their sins . For it is necessary that one is repentant of his sins before joining in the observation of fasting and praying. Going for confessions therefore a physical sign of repentance and subsequent forgiveness makes the individuals penance wholly acceptable and pure before God.
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