Today ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a journey of faith for Christians. A 40days journey signifying the days that Christ fasted and prayed in the wilderness. It is traditionally a time for Catholics in particular to pray, fast and reflect on their faith and death of Jesus Christ. A time for them also to live just as He did; in suffering and patience.During this time healthy adults are expected to abstain from meat and fish especially on Fridays.
These believes are drawn based on the reports on the 4 synoptic gospels(Mathew, Mark, Luke and John). According to these gospels, Christ spent 40 days in the wilderness praying and fasting , during which time he endured also all the temptations of the devil. Establishing His supremacy over Satan and his ways. Subsequently He was falsely accused, abused, maltreated and eventually crucified on the cross. However God raised Him on the 3rd day believed to be Easter Sunday.
From the time when Christ was crucified and buried, the Apostles fasted , prayed and mourned his death in total solitude. Since then therefore, Christians all over the world use this time to do the same in remembrance for all that Christ went through. The Church refrains from festivities. in the Catholic Church, there are significant changes in the celebration of mass to show their solitude.: The Gloria and alleluia are no longer sung , while the gospel acclamation is introduced . Images are all covered with purple linens signifying the period when Christ disappeared from the people(John8:46-59), only to be removed on holy Saturday during the Easter vigil when all the other elements of celebration are re commenced believing that Christ is risen.
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