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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Stand against the disbelieve to succeed.

There is always going to be self doubt and disbelieve. But it is the willingness to succeed that will get each of us as far as he would.  Seeing Obama move the whole of United states, achieving what was before unattainable makes me to even hold firm to this believe.

Today however, I have found even more biblical evidence to strengthen this believe in me, and I love to share them with you. Below are some of the points I found in the bible to get you inspired at times of disbelieve.

1. Get behind me Satan. (Mathew 4: 1-11):

We all know the story of the temptation of Jesus Christ . How the Devil tried to defile his purity. But Jesus with courage ordered him to get behind.
There are several ways that the devil keeps tempting us today, trying to take away all that God has kept for us.  When the urge to lazy about and not take responsibility comes, that is the time to say get behind me Satan. When your friends try to lure you to easy, cheap, immoral, illegal ways to get quick money or wealth, that is when you should say get behind me Satan. When you feel after all others are doing it and are making it through immoral ways, that is when to say get behind me Satan.
Do your best, use your talents for good purposes, and you will and must succeed. It may take a bit longer, but never allow the Devil to tell you otherwise.

2. I can move forward. (Exodus14: 13 - 15):

As the Israelites were marching out of Egypt, they saw the Egyptian Army coming after them. They became terrified and began to cry out to God for help, complaining against Moses for bringing them out here to die. Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out for help? Tell the people to move forward."

Dear friends, you too can move forwards despite whatever obstacle you may be seeing. You can get tougher with the strength of your believe and work. The Lord has the power to make even your mistake right. Just believe and do your part. Move forward my fellow believer and you will see what the Lord will do to save you today.

3. I am  strong enough to conquer. (Numbers 13:25-33, 14:1-10):

You remember the story of the 12 spies who went to explore the land which the Lord gave to the Israelites. 10 of these spies came back with false reports that brought fear and moaning amongst the people. They said Oh these people are giants, they will take away our wives and all that belongs to us. But Joshua and Caleb were filled with courage, they said to the people, "we should attack now and take the land; we are strong enough to conquer". This re-echoes the words of Martin Luther  on freedom, that it is never given to the oppressed by the oppressor, rather should be demanded and taken.

Dear friends, never be afraid to follow your own mind. Do what you believe you should do and not what everyone else is doing. Fear is not of God and yields nothing but failure. Go for what belongs to the children of God. It is your right to be the head and not the tail. So be bold and go for what belongs to you. The time is now!

4. I will fight the fight. (1Samuel 17: 1- 58)

Goliath challenged the Army camp of King Saul, and all the soldiers were afraid to withstand him. They said to themselves, he is a giant and has been a warrior.  King Saul himself was frightened. But David was filled with courage, he asked that he be allowed to fight him.
Saul sent for him, and David said, "No one should be afraid of these Philistine; I will go and fight him." And the rest of the story is now a very popular one I guess.

Now tell me, why you should be scared of racism, discrimination,  class, etc. Do not be afraid of anyone. Go into any office, ask to see the personnel manager, introduce your self and hand in your CV. Then leave the rest to God.

Now is the time to stand against the disbelieve. Go now and conquer those obstacles today!

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