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Saturday, 28 January 2012

5 Tips to successful marriage.

1.A man must leave his father and mother:Genesis 2:24.
In this contest, I do not suggest that you abandon your parents. No!  Rather, this is the time that you both need to start to learn one another. A time to start building the unique family where love and trust must be established. A third party, especially at the early stage, is an added pressure to the fragile union. The couple need a lot of time together and alone to form their family culture and priority based on their mutual resolve.
When a man finds the woman he desires, they become one body and one flesh. They will start to live together to build a family unit. Two people coming together as one flesh must learn to work together  in marriage, showing love and respect to one another. Remember both of you are unique individuals from different backgrounds and experiences. Therefore, a spouse might not necessary want to do certain things in a particular way as your parents did. This is the time to explore your different talents and come to establish the foundation for this unit ; a part of the larger unit.

2.Cling to one another.
A married couple should cling to one another. The man must build a special closeness with his wife. The scripture never says to cling to several partners. It is clearly written : 'a man must cling to his wife'. This special relationship can only be achieved through consistent acts of love and care. Building a space for love and trust through honesty , hugs and kisses, making love, helping one another, talking with one another. These are simple steps to build and strengthen the bond which God planned for marital partners.

3.Become one body and flesh.
Clearly, the scripture says, " the man and woman shall become one flesh." From the begining, God intended sex to be a part of the marriage union. Thus He commanded then, increase and multiply. The act of sexual relationship in marriage are very essential for the happy survival of any marriage. (1corinthias 7:4-5)- " a wife is not  the master of her  own body, but her husband is; in the same manner a husband is not the master of his own , but his wife is. Do not deny yourselves to each other, unless you first agree to do so for a while in order to spend your time in prayer, but then resume normal marital relations. In this way you will be kept from giving in to Satan's temptation because of your lack of  self control.

4.Let love and  respect guide you in all responsibility.
For the man, let not you manhood and authority be to intimidate and abuse your wife. Remember, she is your body. If you dishonour her, you dishonour your own self.
In the same way, wives submit yourself in all respect to him that God has placed over you. for he too is under authority; God's authority. This by no means suggests that man should make all the decisions. No! In mutual agreement, everyone doing his own part in the Godly standard, is the key to achieving the biblical model of marriage, joyful, fulfilling experience.

5.Stay connected.
In staying  connected, it is essential that couples develop effective communication system in which everyone speaks out and is listened to. Communication both in words and gestures should be flowing between partners . Positive and encouraging communication is a salt that sweetens a relationship and where it exists indicates a healthy relationship. while the reverse is the case with a relationship filled with much criticism.
In keeping the communication alive and positive; Simple verbal gestures are necessary. I am sorry, I love you, thank you etc. Couples should flirt with each other as often as possible. There are two major communication skills that should be mastered: (a), Speaking up: expressing your views and worries in a way that it is not provoking and judging. (b) Listening: When one person speaks, listen carefully as to understand each others point. It is not a time to build up your defence. Careful listening and seeking to understand, foster trust and respect and love.

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