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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The real Dad: the one to wish for.

Focus:proverbs 11:29, Romans13:1-4,Mathew20:25-28,colossians3:21, Ephesians6:4,Hebrew12:7, Romans13:9-10,Proverbs29:17.

* Real dad expresses his authority selflessly for the peace and comfort of  his family. He does not provoke his children, he does all he can to encourage and love his family. The real Dad knows that he is there to care for and protect his family. He understands that his leadership is better shown through service.

*The real Dad knows the importance of teaching his children through example. He is a perfect role model. He does not just instruct, but he does what he expects. he understands that he is the first role model the idol for his Sons. The first boy friend to his daughter. He is gentle and careful in all he does. He is the pride of his wife and daughters. He's sons are quick to let everyone know who he is ; that's my Dad they say.

*The real Dad understands the importance of spending his youth with his family. He realises that nothing can substitute for the time not spent with his family. Yes there's need to work and provide for his family. But he understands that keeping in touch is part of provision; the real love. He knows that time spent with the family is invaluable. It gives the children a sense of belonging and security. They are confident that the are wanted appreciated and cherished. It is very important to bring to a balance the time spent working with that spent with the family. Most of the issues with young people these days is mostly centred on the epidemics of absent Dads. Providing your children with gadgets have proven not to substitute for the love of a real Dad. Material possessions - namely; gadgets; smart phones and game consoles have been reported to be one of the highest causes of child hood depressions and attention problems in children. Children who spend quality time with their parents are most likely  to do well in school and life.  Thus wrote the poet :"Give your child the best,Of your youth.At old age,You will know rest."

* Real Dad is one who is a very attentive listener. He does not just listen. But he listens with compassion. He brings himself to understand the needs of his family. He's priority is always his family. He finds it easy to relate positively with his family. He is ready to answer his children's questions. He listens to his children's heart beats. he understands what they feel and does his best to keep a relationship which is accessible to his family. He does not scare his children and his girls look forward to letting him into their world. He is their best friend.

*Real Dad is a real helper. He is  ever ready to take on the job. He is not fighter or wife beaters. They does not abuse his children. He uses his hands and feet to sort the needs of his family but not on his wife's or children's body. His manhood is not expressed  by intimidating everyone of the family rather he is soft hearted, compassionate and passionate and yet disciplined.


Pundiyaya. Poem by Faustina Anyanwu.


fauntee pictures

These three birds,
came on my window,
All whisper to my ears.

I heard them say,
the favoured one.
Have a nice day.

I think they are angels,
with a message of hope
From my window angles.

Each have green marks,
I think they're beautiful.
Shiny wings, beaks that sparks.
A message of peace and love.
All rights reserved.Fauntee.


Monday, 30 January 2012

What the capable wife is made of.

Focus:Proverbs 31: 10 -31.

How hard it is to find a capable wife! She is worth far more than jewels. her husband puts his confidence in her and he will never be poor.

As long as she lives, she does him good and never harm. She keeps herself busy making wool and linen cloths.

She brings home food from out- of- the places as merchant ships do.

She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her family and to tell her servant girls what to do.
She looks at a land and buys it, and with money she earned, she plants a vine yard.

She is a hard worker, strong and industrious. She knows the value of everything she makes and works late into the night.

She spins her own thread and weaves her own cloths.

She is generous to the poor and needy. She doesn't worry when it snows, because her family has warm clothing.

She makes clothes and belts , and sells them to merchants.

She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future.

She speaks with a gentle wisdom.

She is always busy and looks after her family needs.

Her children show their appreciation, and her husband praises her.

He says, "Many women are good wives, but  you are the best of them all".

Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears , but a woman who honours the Lord should be praised.

Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.
She makes bedspreads and wears clothes of fine purple linen. Her husband is well known, one of the leading citizens.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Fast Track to a Blissful Christian Union.

Pray , pray , pray; seek always the face of the Lord in prayers together . Make always your supplications known to the Lord. Start and end each new day with the grace of God.

Create an atmosphere of trust and love. Be trustworthy by speaking only the truth to one another. Only the truth will set you free.

Approach one another every passing minute with a cheerful heart.Shower you partner with smiles and warmth. Let your face be glowing with cheers and happiness. In that way there's a feeling of belonging in the home.

Remember you are not perfect . Therefore seek to focus on the positive sides of one another while complimenting for the lacking side. Judge not that you may not be judge. Rather with love and sympathy help one another to reach the kingdom of eternity.

Do not hesitate in saying those simple but very important words: thank you, I love you, and am sorry. The are like magic in almost every situation.

Be practical with expressing your love for one another. Be ready to always give a helping hand and not those judging looks. Never let your spouse strain so much in task, and in trying to please you. Rather be pleased always with the minimum effort. Unconditional practical love.
Appreciate your spouse at every giving moment. Kisses, hugs, and fore plays should never be lacking.

Accept the children that the good Lord has given you. They are the most valuable gifts to the union from God.

Care for the well being of one another. Laugh and cry as one.

Most importantly, never deny one another the sweetness of a sexual love.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

5 Tips to successful marriage.

1.A man must leave his father and mother:Genesis 2:24.
In this contest, I do not suggest that you abandon your parents. No!  Rather, this is the time that you both need to start to learn one another. A time to start building the unique family where love and trust must be established. A third party, especially at the early stage, is an added pressure to the fragile union. The couple need a lot of time together and alone to form their family culture and priority based on their mutual resolve.
When a man finds the woman he desires, they become one body and one flesh. They will start to live together to build a family unit. Two people coming together as one flesh must learn to work together  in marriage, showing love and respect to one another. Remember both of you are unique individuals from different backgrounds and experiences. Therefore, a spouse might not necessary want to do certain things in a particular way as your parents did. This is the time to explore your different talents and come to establish the foundation for this unit ; a part of the larger unit.

2.Cling to one another.
A married couple should cling to one another. The man must build a special closeness with his wife. The scripture never says to cling to several partners. It is clearly written : 'a man must cling to his wife'. This special relationship can only be achieved through consistent acts of love and care. Building a space for love and trust through honesty , hugs and kisses, making love, helping one another, talking with one another. These are simple steps to build and strengthen the bond which God planned for marital partners.

3.Become one body and flesh.
Clearly, the scripture says, " the man and woman shall become one flesh." From the begining, God intended sex to be a part of the marriage union. Thus He commanded then, increase and multiply. The act of sexual relationship in marriage are very essential for the happy survival of any marriage. (1corinthias 7:4-5)- " a wife is not  the master of her  own body, but her husband is; in the same manner a husband is not the master of his own , but his wife is. Do not deny yourselves to each other, unless you first agree to do so for a while in order to spend your time in prayer, but then resume normal marital relations. In this way you will be kept from giving in to Satan's temptation because of your lack of  self control.

4.Let love and  respect guide you in all responsibility.
For the man, let not you manhood and authority be to intimidate and abuse your wife. Remember, she is your body. If you dishonour her, you dishonour your own self.
In the same way, wives submit yourself in all respect to him that God has placed over you. for he too is under authority; God's authority. This by no means suggests that man should make all the decisions. No! In mutual agreement, everyone doing his own part in the Godly standard, is the key to achieving the biblical model of marriage, joyful, fulfilling experience.

5.Stay connected.
In staying  connected, it is essential that couples develop effective communication system in which everyone speaks out and is listened to. Communication both in words and gestures should be flowing between partners . Positive and encouraging communication is a salt that sweetens a relationship and where it exists indicates a healthy relationship. while the reverse is the case with a relationship filled with much criticism.
In keeping the communication alive and positive; Simple verbal gestures are necessary. I am sorry, I love you, thank you etc. Couples should flirt with each other as often as possible. There are two major communication skills that should be mastered: (a), Speaking up: expressing your views and worries in a way that it is not provoking and judging. (b) Listening: When one person speaks, listen carefully as to understand each others point. It is not a time to build up your defence. Careful listening and seeking to understand, foster trust and respect and love.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Marriage: A mutual lifelong commitment; a covenant and a Divine union.

Focus:Genesis2:23-25, Mathew5:31-32, Mathew 19: 1-6, Ephesians 5:21-33, 1Peter 3: 1-7.
The church teaches that marriage is a divine institution, a union, otherwise, a holy matrimony; which is intended to be a faithful, covenant of conjugal love. It is should be unique and exclusive between a man and a woman according to the plans of God. To be totally expressed , it has to be lived in fidelity by both spouses. A solemnised marriage is expected to be a lifelong union; for better for worse till death do the couple part. It is believed that Christ himself established the institution of marriage , hence the miracle at the wedding at Galilee.

In a Christian marriage, both the husband and the wife are obliged to give themselves totally to each other in love . Faithfulness and fidelity is a mandatory expectation and can never be over emphasised. A Christian marriage should always be in sanctity. Infidelity is the only situation where the scripture offers the option of annulment of a marriage. Infidelity is against the sanctity of marriage and the law of God. It breaks the union that joins every married couple to the body of Christ: the Church.

Marriage is a summary of the relationship between Christ and the Church. The relationship between God and Israel in the old testament. It is the simplest bond that unifies the Church; where two or more are gathered in Jesus name. As soon as a marriage is solemnised by the Church, it becomes a sacred union. Therefore, the home of the married couple becomes a sacred place as well; given that they are a branch of the sacred Church. The man and the woman becomes the ministers in this sacred home, where the live out the sacrament of marriage. The ultimate importance of marriage being to compliment  and help each other through the journey to the Kingdom of heaven.

Procreation in a Christian marriage is not optional. it is a mandatory part of the union according to the teaching of the Church. As well as bearing children, educating them in the law of the Lord is as mandatory. Therefore, the church may not allow any couple entering marriage with the intention of not having children. This is because, intending not to have children is against the intention of  Lord.: increase and multiply.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Have you said the miracle prayer today?

Sacred heart of Jesus                      

Sacred heart of Jesus.                                      
I put all my trust .
Sacred heart of Jesus.
Don't fail me.
Sacred heart of Jesus.
Have mercy on me. x3

My God I believe.

My God I believe in you.
I venerate you.
I hope in you.
I love you.
I ask forgiveness for those,
Who do not believe, 
 who do not venerate you
who do not hope in you,
And who do not love you. x3

These prayers are instant miracle prayers. Say them at the point of need and see for yourself how great it is to put your faith in him. Taste and see!

Look after your soul

Hear this message today. Go to confession Christians, Catholics.  The devil will do everything to undermine your relationship with God. But you can take charge of your soul. Decide what you want for eternity. Go to confession again and again and again. It is never too much to do so.

Confession is the our way of strengthening our relationship with God. Nourish your soul through the grace that you will obtain from going to confession; the grace of forgiveness is awesome. it is the only expensive clothing to our soul.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

What is Happiness?

Happiness is one topic so many scholars have tried to explain fr so many years. Yet from one generation to another it remains something that is being searched for. With all the knowledge, and wisdom shown by the theories that has been propounded by these scholars, happiness seems to still elude man.
Recently, there was a survey backed by the church, that says that half a million children in the UK are unhappy. This the Arch bishop of York  Dr John Sentamu says " is a wake up call to us all". Which surprisingly, Sebastian  Shakespeare in his article for London Evening Standard Friday 13 January 2012 issue attacked this survey , in the opinion that Christianity should be about spreading the the good news of the gospel and therefore should be more positive. Ignoring the fact that was raised. Thanks goodness he did remember what Christianity is all about. By the way, he went on to say; "our children are certainly more costed than previous generations and have access to all the latest gadgets and designer clothes. I was shocked by the number of young children of my acquaintance who recieved ipad2s at Christmas."

After reading this I began to wonder what truly is happiness. Should happiness be equal to the amount of material possession that one has . Has any form of invention been able to create any true happiness in the life of man? I f we must agree to that then why is there so much uprising every where, why is there so much dissatisfaction with the mass. Especially in this millennium of so much technological invention. So I began to search to find out more about this happiness thing to know if there's any other person out there who will have a different light to throw on this issue.

I happened to find my self on the article written by Dr Russell Razzaque, a psychiatrist in the UK's NHS. He explained the two major theories of happiness. First being, Hedonic theory; which is entirely the attainment of pleasure and avoidance of pain. Oh I said this is obviously in line with what the Evening standard man was talking about. But my question is, has technology been able to bring about avoidance of pain? Or what is the fear of climate change and cancer phone scare all about. I never know fear as a form of pleasure.

The second being, Endaimonic theory, which talks about self realisation. The extent to which we are fulfilling our potential in life. Which is a bit on the side of my argument . But yet lacking in the vital ingredients. Then he also refers to Aristotle, who said that " true happiness was to be found in the expression of virtue. That is, doing that which is to be done".

What is that which is to be done?
At this point, I decided to consult the ultimate wisdom; my bible . Immediately I read Hebrew 13:5-6: " Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, I will never leave you, I will never abandon you. Let us be bold, then and say the lord is my helper. And so many other places to be referred. When you study the word of God, it is clear that true happiness lies with obeying and doing as God commands. That's the only true way to attain happiness. The only thing which is to be done. Ever since Man decided to go it by the way of his knowledge, pain and suffering and ultimately death came in. For this reason Christ had to come to take the suffering away by subjecting himself to all those suffering. Yet we have not sort his face.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

What have you been up to .

Wait a minute before you browse off. Honestly I don't intend to put you under scrutiny. I only want to share with you what I have been doing lately. It's not going to be so boring , I promise.
Right, now that we've agreed on one thing, that makes it better.

I have been volunteering with a local primary school. Whatever is available to be done. Today has been exceptional, all day we were in the school forest, it was very cold,and we were there for a good two hours. But I tell you, it was fun. Just running around and answering all the unending questions from these young and innocent kids. It was amazing. I must say too, I learnt a lot as well. And at the end was so fulfilled with my being. Not that I don't have any other thing to do. But I realised at some point that it's far more important to invest in the younger generation, handing down a legacy of giving back. As a parent, it is a form of motivation too for my daughter who is a pupil in the school too. To her seeing me render service especially to her in that manner makes her feel proud to be in school.

What's the point of this whole story then? Well the point am trying to make is that,  we all have been given something to give back. As long as you live, you are obliged to be grateful to Him who gave you the life that you have. Not just in words but indeed. There is no one that has not got a talent to make the world a better place. Yet often , I hear people say when I get money , I will change change the world.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Tomorrow never dies

I am not a film or movie person. I find it quite hard to sit for hours, watching something I know is just not real. I personally see it as a waste of my time. But, one movie that grabs my attention any time I come across it, is tomorrow never dies. I keep wondering how they came about that title. Mmmmh! Pretty good one.

So yeah, tomorrow never dies, there’s always going to be another day that will come and go. What makes the difference is how every individual approaches it.
As individuals who are each a member of God’s family. It is very important to reflect on how we shall approach tomorrow in our lives, our works, and most importantly our family. It is very essential that we do all it takes to make sure that our Christian tomorrow never dies.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Here I am Lord.

Focus: Samuel3:3-10,19. John1:35-42.
Three times Samuel was called, but  didn't understand it was the Lord who calls. Until Eli in his experience realised , and told him to answer next time ; "speak Lord, your servant is listening."

Again and again the Lord calls each of us . But the distractions of daily events  prevents us from hearing the voice which speaks to our hearts. The devil is at work each and everyday, doing his best to prevent us from understanding that it's the Lord who speaks.

 When you are tempted to watch pornographic pictures, when you are tempted to do things against the things that God approves, and that inner most voice calls out to you , saying "don't, don't". What do you do.  When you sing in to your face book page and you see this provoking picture, and you are tempted to click and watch, but one mind tells you "don't, don't". What do you do?

Monday, 9 January 2012

Keeping your faith in focus.


The scripture doesn't say how many wise men there were, but traditionally we say of three, since there were three gifts given to Jesus. These gifts of the wise men are known to every child who has taken part in a school nativity play:: gold, frankincense and myrrh. As we celebrate the Epiphany , we can either just look back on the past events, or we can make it real for ourselves. If we do the later, which is what true worship demands, then we have to present our gifts before God. Each of us has gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh that we can offer in the service of God and others.:
GOLD:  Is one of the most valuable metals we can buy. If we give someone an article made from gold, we are saying that we consider them very special and precious to us. Engagement rings and wedding rings, retirement watches all pay tribute to this. What are the precious things in our life that God has given to us? Husband or wife, children and grand children, parents, friends, brothers and sisters, health, friends? Whatever this gold may be, Epiphany is the feast for the acknowledging it before the Christ child, and for thanking God for such a blessing in our live. Our gifts of gold remind us that life is precious.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Nigeria Christian Attacks Condemned


Innocent Christians attacked.

At this trying times , our hearts are with the families of the Nigerian Christians who are the victims of religious hatred which has claimed the lives of more than 100 innocent Christians in the northern parts of the country. When one Christian bleeds we all bleed. We at Talk About Jesus, are joining other Christians to condemn this act of killing and call for the government to intervene swiftly.

We also urge Christians to even intensify their prayers and devotions to the Lord. The enemy will always strike but our faith can never be taken. God is Lord , and He is supreme. Let us remember one another in our prayers and be our brothers keepers both in words and in deed. Our brothers in Christ in Nigeria are bleeding, this is the time to be somber and to remain even more steadfast to what we believe in.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The real reason Christians should venerate and honour Mary.

Focus:Luke 1: 26 , down to chapter 2. .......*The angle came to her and said, "peace be with you , The Lord is with you and has greatly blessed you"......... *The angel said to her, "Don't be afraid , Mary, God hasbeen gracious to you . You will be pregnant and give birth to a son , and you will call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the son of the most High God. The Lord will make him a king ......"*

Just after Christmas , the Catholic Church all over the world celebrate the solemnity of the blessed Virgin Mary. An act that has always divided the Christian community in point of view. Some argue that she is only a messenger and should not be hailed venerable. While the Catholic Church has remained faithful to their believe and obligation to honour and show respect to her. Because she is the mother of God and therefore the mother of the church.
At the service, I paid particular attention  as the priest explained why the church chose to honour the mother of Jesus. I listened with interest and .

 A woman highly placed by God yet so humble. From the time that the angel visited her to give her the the message that literally changed who she was till the birth of Jesus Christ with all the suffering of rejection and poverty, and having to give birth in the manger, she remained gentle and silently pondered  these things in her heart. She never took any one of God's words for granted. She remained humble. She never grumbled or nagged, she never gave Joseph hard time.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

God is still calling on you would you listen this time.

Focus: Numbers 6: 22 - 27.
                                            " ... You shall say to them,
                                              May the  Lord bless you and keep you.
                                              May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
                                              May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace."

These are the words that the Lord commanded Moses to tell Aaron and his Sons to bless the people of Israel. He said if they say my name as a blessing to them , I will bless them. God has always had a very soft side for man. That from the beginning he created us in his image. He gave us power to subdue the earth and all that is in it. God made everything so perfect and gave man the power to choose. He was and still is so loving to us. He's thoughts has always remained with man.

But something happened , "man" disobeyed the only request that the Lord asked of him. "Man" was so careless and so disobedient to listen to what God has to say.  He disregarded all the warning that was fore told him. He wanted to have it his way. He wanted to be equal with his creator , to know more than he who made him. So of all the fruits in the garden , Adam and Eve were convinced by the devil to eat from the one God commanded them not to eat. God was so displeased with "man" and so he laid a curse on "man". From then on "man" became a slave to sin and therefore a subject to the law , judgement and death.