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Saturday, 31 December 2011

Why christians should avoid rejection.

Focus: Mark 1:40 - 45. "... if you are willing , you can make me clean." In those days leprosy was seen as a curse. Then people would never associate with anyone with leprosy . The stigma was so great that they were left to rot away. Then Jesus seeing this man was moved with compassion , so he reached out his hand and touched him saying, ;"I am willing, be clean". And the man instantly was healed.

Now the question is, how many of us Christians would do as Jesus has done? How many of us are willing to live above rejection? How many of us realises how much damage rejection has done to human race and is still doing. How many Christians are willing to make a change to over come the power of rejection?  In the world where rejection has become a thing of pride, can you dare to be different?

What is rejection then?
Rejection  is any form of:
Unwantedness, isolation, abandonment, denying a person the right to work, to live and the right to happiness. It is lack of love and care, ignoring a person. When a parent or parents abandon their child(ren) due to divorce or some selfish reasons is rejection.
 Discriminating from a person due to culture or colour or age or sex is rejection. Negligence is a form of rejection. Hiding knowledge from a person who needs it is rejection. Not helping anyone in need when you are able is rejection. 

What's the noise about that?
Yes there is so much to talk about it for. Rejection has wrecked the human race. Rejection is the root of all that man and the world is crying about. It is lack of love for self, and others , lack of responsibility.
It can cause so many negative effects on a person or society. Rejection is like poison that goes down into the heart of the victim and starts eroding the tissues just like leprosy would do to the limbs. Rejections is as malignant as cancer and could even be more painful. to the soul than any cancer is to the body. It can bring anger, hatred, depression, rebellion ,fight, depression lawlessness alcoholism and all sorts of social vices you can name.
It is a very serious problem that can only be cured by showing love, acceptance and tolerance of one another. As Christians we ought to be the light and the doctors carrying , prescribing and dispensing the medication  to remove rejection amongst us .

It is good to share the word of God . If you truly love God and believe that God is love , you can take the first step by sharing this message with your loved ones . Because the ultimate gift to one another is the word of salvation.

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