There is a continuous battle over your soul. Each passing minute comes with it as much temptations as possible. The devil is always out to confuse, deceive, and to destroy. Some would say why pray when God knows everything? Yes God knows everything but he gave us the only weapon that we need to navigate our way through the day. This weapon is to call on him, praise him and to give ourselves completely to his control.
There is more to prayer than mere asking and asking for favour and blessing. Prayer keeps us close to God but in mind and in spirit. Prayer is an antidepressant, it is an energetic supplement, a directional navigator. It helps you keep sane in the midst of it all.
Now remember, when Christ came he thought his disciples to pray always because the fight is beyond what we see. It is of the spirit. It is only through prayer can we communicate spiritually to God. The word say with the comprehensive faith in the Lord Jesus, we can move mountain. How do you build your faith then? To build your faith you have to experience God in prayer, in songs of praise, by reading of his wondrous works. Faith and prayer go hand in a glove. With prayers and total dedication to God, we can do all things through him who is above every other name.
Oh Lord, fill my mouth with praise and thanks giving to you. Help to always remember you at all times. Put your words in my mouth that I may be an instrument of your love. Strengthen me in the path of righteousness and do not depart from me. Forgive my short comings and grant me the grace to believe even when it seems unbelievable. Through Christ our Lord.